Friday, September 13, 2013

The Road Less Traveled

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
--Took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost 

 The Chase family is going places. 
 "We do not want to merely 'see' beauty. We want to be united with it, to receive it into ourselves, to become part of it." 
- C.S. Lewis -
...Because: Life is not a possession to be defended, but a GIFT to be shared. 
-Henri Nouwen-

These pictures document our incredible camping trip in the Mt. Rainier National Park for Caden's first birthday (which was on September 2nd). It was a much needed respite from a busy summer that has been full of preparations for another big transition for our family. This November we will be moving once again. We aren't crossing any mountains this time --just taking the I-90 bridge to the other side of Lake Washington. Specifically we will be moving:
Out of the city and into a suburb. 
Out of an apartment and into a home. 
Out of single family dwelling and into shared housing. 
We are about to plunge headfirst into the very different yet beautiful world of sharing life with people with developmental disabilities.
 Since February of this year we have been looking for options and ways to both make ends meet and reach for our longer-term goals. This is the one door that has opened that we together have the most peace about. We are committing the next 2-3 years to be employed as in-home care-givers/house-managers to support the highest possible level of independent living for two beautiful women with down syndrome. We are looking forward to learning and sharing life together with these two women for a season. Stay tuned.